Saturday, June 18, 2011

A Tribute to Dad

A Tribute to Dad

Today is Father's Day and I am finding myself sitting here reminiscing about some wonderful times I had with my Dad and thinking about what a wonderful man he was!

Dad passed away in 2000 and I am proud to share that he is in Arlington Cemetery and not only was he a war hero, he was my hero as well!

I am the youngest of 5 and also born later in life with 12 years between me and my next sibling! So when I grew up I was more like an only child! My father was able to provide for me and afford me a lot more than my brothers and sisters.

My favorite memories are all the traveling I did. My Dad bought a travel trailer when I was young and every summer we would take of on an adventure! I got to see a great deal of the United States with many a shared moment with Dad! He spoiled me rotten to say the least!

As I got older and out on my own I struggled for quite a long time, between 2 divorces and being a mom of 2, I never seemed to be able to get ahead. Dad was right there always helping me out. I look back now and don't know how I would of gotten by without his help!

After my first husband and I separated I moved back home, pregnant and my soul broken. I had a son and he was the light of Grandad's life! He spoiled my son so much I had to talk to him about it often and we would have disagreements and I would never win. I miss those disagreements now.

I have to smile now as my lovely daughter named Elise would talk her grandad's ears off and he would sit patiently (most of the time) and listen LOL! He also always called her Lisa as for some reason he could never remember Elise! I could go on and on with memories but then this would become a novel!

As Dad aged I watched him slow down and slow down and become just about bed bound. He was found to be suffering from a blood cancer disease and eventually he decided he had had enough treatments (hospitalizations and blood transfusions) and went on hospice. At this time I went and stayed with my Mom and Dad and a sister that was also here to be with him. I watched him decline daily. The night before he passed I went in his room and shut the door and laid next to him in bed and shared some quiet moments with him and also things from my heart with him. I told him how much I loved him and what a wonderful Father he had been to me. This was a lovely moment I shall never forget. I am so glad I did this when I did as there was no indication he was going to pass the next day. I have to say that I am so grateful I had that moment with him.

My Dad passed surrounded by family and I am sure he is up in Heaven looking down on me today and watching over my husband and kids. Dad I miss you loads and I look forward to joining you and Mom again someday but in the meantime know that you are so loved and missed!

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